Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Draw Naturally Using the Blob Brush

Adobe Illustrator is an amazing piece of software. You can do just about anything with it. Feel free to edit your photos if you'd like. With a simple click of a button, you can. If you don't want to use someone else's photo, you can make your own instead. With Adobe Illustrator, you can easily make your own graphics. Create a nifty design for your web site or business. Even add graphics to your projects and presentations. It doesn't matter what you do - Adobe Illustrator will do it for you! This really is handy software for anyone. But of course, it's not fun for beginners, especially when you're not sure what to do.

One common problem is learning how to use the blob brush. What it does is that it helps allow you to draw lines and shapes. It can even be used with a graphics tablet. You can even sign your name if your name if you have a computer tablet! The Adobe Illustrator blob brush is perfect for many uses. As long as you learn the basics, you can discover its many uses.

But first, you should have the Adobe Illustrator installed on your computer. Once you do, you can follow these few simple steps. Choose the Blob Brush from the toolbox. It's in between the Pencil and Eraser tools. By using the stylus on the graphics tablet, try writing a word or your name. You should also loop the letters together. Pretend that you're writing in cursive. You can also paint in different colors. Just click the down menu on the Control Panel.

You can also configure your Blob Brush tools by clicking on Options. Configure your graphics tablet by increasing the size and variation. With it, you can change the pressure and size of the brush. You will be able to see the difference by painting a line across your word or name. Check out the difference of the size and shape of the line.

Other great features of the Blob Brush tool are that you can modify shapes and integrate it with other tools. These only take a few simple steps as well. Now, you can write words on your graphics and photographs. With just a few clicks, you can do just about anything!

All you have to do is practice with your software. As we all know, practice makes perfect. Just become patient with the Adobe Illustrator software. In no time, you will learn the basics of writing and using the blob brush. It's easier than you may think.

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